TAGS: SNAP Orlando, Sutra YouTube
SNAP is a project of The Lucie Foundation, a national 501(c) 3 charitable foundation with the mission to celebrate master photographers Read More...
TAGS: Sutra Video, Sutra YouTube
With "Sutra" Yatin reveals the equilibrium taking place in society Read More...
TAGS: Sutra Icon, Sutra Calligraphy, Tashi Mannox, Tibetan Buddhist Calligraphy
The Collection’s icon features the word “sutra,” handwritten in the decorative script of Lantsha by world-renowned artist and calligrapher Tashi Mannox. Read More...
TAGS: Adonal Foyle Poetry, Sutra Poetry, Adonal Foyle
A warm spring night in Orlando, two friends sit and enjoy a glass of cabernet overlooking Lake Concord and the downtown skyline; they talk about life, politics, the community and travels. Yatin enjoys chatting with someone of such great culture, intelligence and humility. Adonal Foyle is not only a great ambassador of the game of professional basketball, but a valued asset to his community. Read More...
TAGS: Sutra Video, Sutra YouTube
On a balmy Sunday evening, surrounded by friends and enthusiasts in an opulent Edgewater home, an Internet and e-commerce entrepreneur displayed his dreams. Read More...
TAGS: Kozo Paper, Kozo, Jon Cone, Japanese Paper
Kozo is a general name of the fiber taken from various types of mulberry plants that is utilized to make paper. Read More...
TAGS: Sutra Printing Video, Kozo Video, Jon Cone Video, Sutra YouTube
Narrative form Jon Cone.
TAGS: Jon Cone, Sutra Printer, Cone Press, Master Printer
Cone Editions Press founded in 1980 in Port Chester, NY as an experimental and collaborative printmaking studio, has been at the forefront of the digital print revolution since 1984. Read More...
TAGS: Kozo Paper, Kozo, Jon Cone, Japanese Paper
Branches of the kozo bush are trimmed, soaked, the bark removed, and the tough pliant inner bark laboriously separated, cleaned, then pounded and stretched. Read More...
TAGS: Kozo Paper, Kozo Features, Jon Cone, Japanese Paper
Warmth. Literally warmer to the touch than Western papers made of woodpulp, washi feels soft and creates a feeling of warmth in the viewer. Read More...
TAGS: sutra, printer, Print Making, Jon Cone
This particular methodology that I am using to produce Yatin Patel's prints on large sheets of handmade Japanese paper was designed specifically for that high contrast imaginary. Read More...